The Marketing Launchpad Gets A Redesign

Saptashi Bhowmik in Career Guide Oct 25 3 min

Marketing Launchpad gets a redesign

Over the last 19 batches, thanks to the effort and commitment of our MLP Graduates, we’ve been able to place more than 1800 students nationwide and have also become the largest training platform that provides actual jobs in marketing. And we’re committed to helping lakhs of students in building their careers in the next 5 years.

Since the beginning of the journey, we’ve stayed true to one goal: Take responsibility to provide top-notch training to enable the youth to succeed in their careers & unlock their full potential.

It’s our core principle that we’ll always stick to.

You see, our students and us, we’re equal partners in unlocking successful careers. Today, what Kraftshala is, has been built by its community. The community with their unwavering dedication to becoming successful professionals who show up. It’s why we’ve grown.

That being said, we’ve also had an epiphany.

While our unique 100% pay-after-placement model served as a testament to our dedication towards getting our students trained and placed, it is starting to bring to surface a key issue, which was brought into discussion by a lot of our alumni as well over the recent meetups that we had:

The current nature of the fee is attracting students who do not have high intent towards building a career in marketing, depicted through a lack of effort and perseverance that the program requires.

We want to continue to build the community on the same pillars.

The Redesign: What Steps Are We Taking?

We want to honor our community and our brand and want our program to revolve around or match the level of commitment our graduates have shown. To do so, we are taking the following steps:

  • Becoming more selective in our screening process. This is to help us in admitting high-intent students, like our MLP graduates who want to put in the work to create the life of their choice.
  • Introducing the Kraftshala Changemakers Scholarship of Rs. 30,000.To support students who need financial support we are coming up with a scholarship for the top 5% of the applicants who perform exceptionally well in the admission process.
  • We’ll have two specializations going forward: Digital Media Marketing (with Paid Media, SEO, and E-Commerce) and Content and Social Media Marketing to focus on the most in-demand skills. This was in fact suggested by an alumnus and after giving it some thought, we agree. This would help us approach the Marketing Launchpad with a streamlined focus.
  • MORE Live Sessions: You now learn concepts LIVE from our trainers every single day, followed by projects which are also now done under their supervision of experts and you get ongoing feedback! Every step is maximized to ensure the best results!
  • Hindi Barrier Unlocked: For folks who had a language barrier, we’ve now introduced a program called Marketing Launchpad – Emerging Talent where the course will be delivered in Hindi and English and the curriculum and structure remain the same as MLP!

What Does Not Change in The Marketing Launchpad

In all scenarios though, what you should notice is that the majority of the program fee (60%) will remain refundable if the student is unplaced. And we will continue to focus on attaining exceptional placement records as we have for our past 19 batches, now with an even more streamlined focus than ever before.

What we want to point out is that: we want to be joint owners in the careers of our students. We have been for all our earlier batches, with our outstanding alumni who have been the drivers of their journey.

And we strongly believe that with new changes in, it’ll help us build higher accountability amongst the incoming students, to find our Alma Mater.

We thank you for your support and look forward to hearing your thoughts/suggestions on our recent changes and ideas on Scaling Kraftshala with Soul!

Check out our courses

PGP in Sales and
Business Leadership
9 months | Full-Time
Marketing Launchpad
19 Weeks | Full-Time