8 Group Discussion Tips and Topics to Help You Crack Any Interview in 2025

Saptashi Bhowmik in Career Guide Oct 16 11 min

Group Discussion Tips and Topics to Help You Crack Any Job Interview in 2023

When you’re preparing for a job interview, be it for your B-School placement cycle, or an entry-level job, you’ll confront your final battle – Group Discussions. 

Group discussions become a pressing factor when it comes to cracking a job. And just like that, it also becomes one of the most dreaded parts of an interview. But, like any battle, you need to win the final battle to get to the other side.  

Well, consider this blog the gospel that contains group discussion tips to help you get started. We’ve also added some topics at the end of the blog so you don’t only start, but ace the round and crack the job!

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Key Takeaways from The Blog:

This blog takes you through 8 group discussion tips that have helped students from our digital marketing course to crack their job interviews to students who have been in B-School placement cycles. At the end of the blog, you find group discussion topics that are updated for 2025, so you can start preparing. 

The 8 group discussion tips include – 

  1. Me vs. We? Get into The Right Mindset
  2. Familiarize yourself with different kinds of marketing and sales group discussions
  3. Structure Your Group Discussion
  4. Mediators ALWAYS Win. Why?
  5. Understand Verbal and Non-Verbal Language Cues
  6. Make Sure You’re on the Same Page
  7. How Are You Communicating?
  8. Focus on the Three Parts That Makes A Successful Group Discussion

If you want to know about the group discussion topics that you can prepare for, we have curated topics for the following spaces: 

  1. Topics Around Generic Stuff
  2. Topics Around Current Affairs
  3. Topics Around Business & Economy
  4. Topics Around Social Issues
  5. Topics Around Abstract Stuff
  6. Topics Around Marketing 

First, the Group Discussion Skills That You’re Tested On

Let’s address why you have group discussions to crack a job interview in the first place. 

Like any person who’s fought this battle of cracking group discussions will tell you, they help any recruiter get a fair idea of some behavioral skills you might possess. Here, you are evaluated on how well you can manage yourself, your surroundings, or your team. 

So, as you begin preparing for group discussions, let’s understand the core group discussion skills you’ll have to showcase:

Group Discussion Skills That Are Tested During an Interview, Latest for 2023


So now, let’s get into the tips that can help you crack any group discussions without much of a hassle.

Group Discussion Tip 1: Me vs. We? Get into The Right Mindset

One of the most important group discussion tips is this – a group discussion isn’t a solo performance. The overall performance of the entire group is evaluated as a whole. Recruiters place a lot of emphasis on good team playing skills when evaluating group discussions. Hence, being a team player is one key group discussion skill that you’re judged on. 

When evaluating a group discussion, it is very rare that recruiters have a fixed number of students they want to take to the next round. They are willing to interview as many students whose performance they like. Your goal should therefore not be to compete for a fixed number of slots, but, as a group, put up a stellar performance that ensures the maximum number of students from the group make it through to the next round. This subtle shift in group objectives can reap great benefits for all group members. 

Maintaining a professional decorum throughout the discussion is a must. A group discussion that turns hostile can sometimes be scrapped altogether or very few candidates will make it through to the next round. It is also a good idea to use plural pronouns like “we can discuss…” or “the solution as discussed by us…”. A conclusion or solution reached through group consensus is a mark of an effective group discussion.

Group Discussion Tip 2: Familiarize Yourself with Different Kinds of Marketing and Sales Group Discussions

Broadly speaking, there are two types of sales and marketing group discussions: 

Case-Based: In a case-based GD, students are given a case study that they are expected to read and solve the problems extrapolated in it as a group.

Generic: A generic GD will be on a topic, often inspired by current affairs, and students are expected to make an in-depth study of the topic as a group.

During a company’s group discussion session with Batch 6 of our digital marketing course, everyone had an unsynced rhythm while speaking and it was utter chaos. Someone was talking about the merits of content marketing, and the very next speaker nullified the merits, which showed a lack of collaboration. Nobody was on the same page. 

It is therefore a good idea to ideate and decide on a structure for group discussions beforehand to ensure efficient use of the time given for discussion.

Group Discussion Tip 3: Structure Your Group Discussion

One way to bring structure to the discussion is to use predefined models to give direction to the discussion.

For case-based group discussion topics:

Use an STP (Segmentation-Targeting-Positioning) model followed by a thorough discussion of Kotler’s 4Ps (Product – Price – Place – Promotion). This will ensure a holistic discussion of the brand or product given in a case.

For generic group discussion topics:

Try following the PESTLE model (political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental) or the 5Cs (Context, Company, Competitors, Customers, and Collaborators) to explore an issue from all vantage points.

Mastery of GDs comes through regular practice, and almost all B-schools conduct mock GDs before placement season. During such practice GDs, it is a good idea to try and apply STP and 4P models so as to become habituated to them. 

If the entire batch follows the same model to give structure to their thoughts, it can prevent the group discussion from resembling a fish market. The discussion will flow in a pre-set manner and explore all facets of the topic without becoming chaotic.

Group Discussion Tip 4: Mediators ALWAYS Win. Why?

The mediator in the group discussion is that one guy or girl trying to maintain decorum. While everyone around them is losing their heads, they, like the speakers in parliament, mediators try to calm passions and steer the discussion towards calmer waters.

Recruiters absolutely love this skill because it is a good indicator of not only the person’s leadership qualities but also their ability to remain calm under extreme stress. 

Here are some of the things that a mediator does: 

  1. A mediator is often the one who initiates the group discussion by defining the topic at hand
  2. When a discussion meanders away on a tangential path, he or she brings the discussion back to the topic at hand.
  3. He or she keeps track of passing time. During an engaging discussion, it is often easy to forget about the passing time and spend a disproportionate amount of time discussing the same problem. In such a scenario, the mediator tries to steer the discussion by reminding the other participants of the passage of time and giving a structure to the discussion: “since we only have six minutes left, let’s move on to the second problem in the case”.

As the mediator emerges as the informal leader of the team, other candidates might start addressing their points toward him or her through different non-verbal cues. This reflects positively on the candidate. 

Today, employers look for candidates who can work in a team-oriented environment, especially when recruiting for a sales and marketing role. However, too many interruptions can restrict the flow of the discussion and reflect badly on the candidate portraying him or her as a control freak.

Group Discussion Tip 5: Understand Verbal and Non-Verbal Language Cues

From the minute you enter the room you are being evaluated. 

In a group discussion, only one participant can speak at a time but non-verbal cues like your body language speak even when you don’t. 

  1. Maintaining eye contact with your group members (never the panel; remember they are supposed to be invisible) and nodding indicates that you are listening attentively and reflects positively on you.
  2. Gesturing, fidgeting, or slouching, on the other hand, can be seen as signs of disinterest in the discussion or arrogance. Physical gestures such as rubbing the back of the head, or touching the nose or hair signals discomfort and should be avoided, even if you feel stressed or anxious. Sit straight and try to avoid nervous behaviour like adjusting clothes, biting your lips, crossing your arms and legs, tapping fingers, or fidgeting. You want to appear confident and calm to the panel.

Group Discussion Tip 6: Make Sure You’re on the Same Page

Language is symbolic in nature and thus it becomes necessary to be on guard against bypassing, in which two or more people have different meanings for a word but do not realize it. 

Bypassing can lead either to a false agreement or to the perception that a disagreement exists when it really doesn’t. This can arise in connection to abstract concepts like ‘patriotism’ etc. 

In a group discussion, it is, therefore, advisable to be as concrete and precise as possible and give specific examples of what you mean when you have to use an abstract term. It is also a good idea to quantify whenever possible. 

For example, if the topic is based on ‘drunk driving’, in the introduction you might define drunk driving as “having a level of .08 percent alcohol in the blood while driving a vehicle” to eliminate confusion.

Group Discussion Tip 7: How Are You Communicating?

Emotive words are terms that ignite strong feelings and interfere with good listening, and it is a good idea to avoid using such words.

In a scenario where the use of an emotive word sparks emotional responses, the group mediator may intervene and try to defuse the situation.

For instance, if someone says “He’s just a failed politician, not a scientist, and he’s grandstanding as he looks for a new platform. What could he know about global warming?”

The mediator could paraphrase as follows: “So, in other words, you think that the opinions of a non-scientist are not valid on scientific issues such as global warming, and you mistrust his motives?”

This helps defuse the trigger words (failed politician, grandstanding) so the group can focus on the merits of the message itself.

Group Discussion Tip 8: Focus on the Three Parts That Makes A Successful Group Discussion

A group discussion usually can be broadly divided into three parts:


As any veteran GD candidate will tell you it is a good idea to initiate the group discussion. 

Not only does it show leadership skills but it reduces the risk of you missing out on a point because someone already said it before. However, the introduction sets the mood and tone of the discussion. While initiating the discussion, you can tackle the topic head-on by defining the key terms or you may also begin with an adage, popular saying, quote, anecdote, or rhetorical question.


A common problem in group discussions is that participants make points in isolation and there is a lack of continuity in the discussion flow. It is always a good idea to try and refer to a point made earlier and link points together. The discussion must not digress from its focal point and should move forward logically and smoothly to make an in-depth study of the topic.

At all times in the group discussion, it is important to remain professional. Don’t get personally offended or make personal remarks. At all costs avoid colloquial terms like yaar, abbey, etc., and never use cuss words.


In this stage, the group discussion is taken to its logical end by summarising all points discussed and reaching a solution through mutual consensus.

Apart from good communication skills, good content is also important to make a lasting impact in a group discussion. Statistics and facts are double-edged swords. If quoted correctly, they help you establish your knowledge superiority in the group. If you do not get them right, you can make a fool of yourself.

To conclude we would like to reemphasize the importance of practice. The more you and the rest of your batch practice group discussions, the easier it will be for you to communicate effectively with each other and also reduce bouts of nervousness.

In the few minutes before the discussion begins, note down all your thoughts on the topic in a priority hierarchy. Do not try to introduce more than one point at a time in the discussion as that will hinder effective discussion. 

Finally, remember that your success is linked to the group’s success, and therefore it is important to work together.

Curating the Best Topics for Group Discussion in 2025

Following is the list of group discussion topics that are most asked, so you can start preparing for your next GD and ace it. 

Current Affairs Group Discussion Topics:

  1. Electoral Bonds: Fair or Unfair
  2. Global Innovation Index 2024: India Jumps to 39th Rank
  3. US meddling in other countries’ politics is dangerous for the world
  4. Job Reservation in Private Sector
  5. Iran-Israel Conflict: Impact on the Middle East and other countries
  6. Downfall of some of the top startups- lessons to learn
  7. One Nation One Election
  8. Ayodhya and Religious Tourism
  9. Can India afford spending a fortune on projects like Mission to MARS?
  10. Uniform Code of Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices (UCPMP)

Business & Economy Group Discussion Topics:

  1. Is an MBA necessary to be successful in business?
  2. Is CryptoCurrency the future of money?
  3. Globalization: An Opportunity Or a Threat?
  4. How Can the IT Industry Create More Jobs in India?
  5. Banks Merger in India: Pros and Cons for the Indian Economy?
  6. Is FDI Good for the Indian Economy?
  7. Startup India: Supporting Entrepreneurship
  8. Make in India: How to Make India a Manufacturing Hub
  9. Cashless Economy – Pros and Cons
  10. Is Corruption in the Economy the Root Cause of the Indian Economic Slow-Down?
  11. Impact of Global Economic Recession in India
  12. The Rise of Cryptocurrency and Decentralization – Good or Bad for the Economy?

Social Issues Group Discussion Topics

  1. Should English be the Official Language of India?
  2. Free Metro Ride for Women: Is It Justified?
  3. Does a Shortage of Open Spaces and Playgrounds Lead to Negative Tendencies in Children?
  4. Women’s Empowerment & Gender Justice
  5. Swachh Bharat Mission: Success or Failure
  6. Will Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Abolish the Orthodox Mindset?
  7. Should Retirement Homes Exist?
  8. Smart City Projects – How Useful Will They Be?
  9. Does India Need a Uniform Civil Code – Pros and Cons
  10. Effect of Social Media on Our Daily Life

Abstract Group Discussion Topics:

  1. Me Too Campaign: Pros and Cons
  2. Work-Life Balance is Necessary – Myth or Need?
  3. Fact Vs Opinion
  4. Patience: A Virtue in Business and Management
  5. Innovation Vs Invention: What is More Important?
  6. Women are Better Multi-Taskers – Agree or Disagree?
  7. Do We Need More Entrepreneurs Than Managers?
  8. Ethics or Profit?
  9. Friends, Enemy, or Frenemies?

Marketing Group Discussion Topics:

  1. Should You Think Product First or Consumer First?
  2. Is Consumer Testing Useful?
  3. Product Quality vs Marketing – Which Is More Important?
  4. Advertising Is All Glitter and No Substance.
  5. Marketing is Manipulation But It Can Be for Wood
  6. Privatization Will Lead to Less Corruption
  7. Is the Current MBA Curriculum Serving the Needs of the Modern Age?
  8. Can Marketing Lessons Be Taken in the Classroom?
  9. can we sell flawed products with flawless ads?
  10. Views on Word of Mouth Marketing

And if you want more topics, here are more resources to help you: 

684+ Group Discussion Topics (with Answers) of 2023-24 ~ GD Ideas

Latest (GD) Group Discussion Topics | Leverage Edu

Top 80 Group Discussion (GD) Topics for MBA: Check Current & Latest GD Topics with Analysis

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Q.1 How to cope if my knowledge of a said group discussion topic is less? 

Answer: If you find yourself in a situation where you’re not well-versed in the topic at hand, don’t panic. Instead of asking the moderator or facilitator to explain it to you, take a step back and observe. 

Try doing this:

  • Listen to others speak and use their ideas to form a better understanding of the subject. Get creative and try to look at the topic from a different angle. Let your mind play with its thoughts till you form opinions on the subject.
  • Try being the moderator this time. Manage time, maintain the decorum, and manage your team members. It could be your time to shine after all. 
  • If you still have doubts, don’t be afraid to ask questions to clarify. 
  • Once you’ve gotten a better grasp on the discussion, chime in and share your own thoughts and opinions. 
  • Remember, you don’t have to be an expert to add value to the conversation. Just be willing to listen, think critically, and speak your truth.

Q.2 How much time are we given to prepare for a topic before the group discussion session starts?

Answer:  You’re given around 5-7 minutes to prepare before the session begins. However, you might find times when you’re not allotted any time for preparation depending upon the difficulty level of a topic. For such an instance, we’d suggest you prepare beforehand. 

To start with your preparation, you can go through the group discussion topics that are mentioned in the blog above.

Q.3 Who should I address during the group discussion – the panel or the team?

Answer: Consider the group discussion as a conversational play with your team. So, you discuss with them, listen to them, and make eye contact with them. Take the names of your team members if you know them, but at all costs, the discussion should be with them only.

The panel will have no active participation in the discussion. They only have a role in judging you and observing how well the discussion is turning. 

Q.4 Should I have a good grasp of the English language to perform well during a group discussion?

Answer: You’re required to present your thoughts coherently, for which you need a certain level of fluency in the language.  But even more importantly, you’ll need the ability to have a clear mind, and you should be able to express your thoughts clearly and calmly. This is what matters.

Q.5 Can I have different opinions on a particular group discussion topic? 

Answer: Let’s be real here. Changing your opinions on a topic can be a tricky business. Sure, you might be tempted to flip-flop on an issue because you’re not sure what you believe or because you’re trying to please everyone. But that kind of indecision might land you in an uncomfortable position. 

If you’re uncertain, it’s better to stay quiet and wait for more information before taking a stand. Now, if you do decide to change your position, it’s important to own it. Don’t try to sugarcoat it or make excuses. Just be honest and say that your previous stance was valid at the time, but that you’ve come to realize there’s a different and possibly opposing perspective that you now agree with.

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