Best Digital Marketing Courses in Chennai in 2025

Team Kraftshala in Digital Marketing Feb 14 9 min

TLDR/Quick Read

Best digital marketing courses in Chennai are Kraftshala, FITA Academy, Courseinn Academy, Web D School, WHY Tap, Esearch Advisors, and Digital Scholar. In this blog, we’ll cover a comparison for all courses across factors like course duration, fees, placements, quality of recruiters, reviews and more. These are for all learners from beginners to advanced!

Illustration of Kraftshala laptop with Chennai temple backdrop.

List of Digital Marketing Courses in Chennai

  1. Marketing Launchpad by Kraftshala
  2. IIDE
  3. Skill Circle
  4. Digiperform
  5. My Captain
  6. Upgrad
  7. Internshala
  8. Testbook
  9. Digital Marketing Course by FITA Academy
  10. Digital Marketing Course by Courseinn Academy
  11. Digital Marketing Course by Digital Scholar
  12. Digital Marketing Course by Web D School
  13. Digital Marketing Courses by WHY Tap
  14. Digital Marketing Course by Esearch Advisors

Introductory analysis of the above-mentioned digital marketing courses in Chennai:

Course Name Duration Salary* Fees  Recruiters**
Marketing Launchpad by Kraftshala 16 weeks >= 4.5 LPA ₹1,24,000
If salary package is <4.5LPA:₹49,600 
Performics, PGD, Google, Nykaa, Coursera, Publicis Groupe, Bajaj, GroupM, Dentsu, and many more
IIDE Online: 4 & 6 months
Offline: 12 months
>=3 LPA Online 4 Months: ₹1,25,000
Online 6 Months: ₹1,80,000
Offline: ₹6,45,000
IIDE, Schbang, FCB Kinnect
SkillCircle 3 & 5 months >=3.6LPA 3 Months – ₹30,000
5 Months – ₹50,000
Not Present
Digiperform 6 Months Not present Offline: ₹72,750
Online: ₹55,750
Digiperform, Freelance, Concentrix, etc
MyCaptain 20 weeks Not present ₹69,999 MyCaptain, Freelance, TCS, Accenture
UpGrad Accelerator Program 7 & 9 months Not present 7 Months – ₹55,000
9 Months – ₹70,000
Not Present
Internshala 5 months >=3.6LPA ₹37,500 Not Present
Testbook 6 months Not present ₹60,000 Not Present
Digital Marketing Course by FITA Academy Not Verified Not present Not Present Not Present
Digital Marketing Course by Courseinn Academy Not Verified Not present Not Present Not Present
Digital Marketing Course by Digital Scholar Online- 4 months

Offline -6 months

₹4.5 LPA Online- ₹59,000

Offline -₹69,999

GroupM, Fiverr, Vendasta
Digital Marketing Course by Web D School 4 months Not present Not Present Not Present
Digital Marketing Courses by WHY Tap PG- 6 months

Crash Course- 2-3 months

Not present PG- ₹72,000

Crash Course- Not Present

Not Present
Digital Marketing Course by Esearch Advisors  1 month Not present Not Present Not Present

*Salary package which is promised by the institute.
**Companies where the course alumni are placed as per the LinkedIn Alumni Page.

How to Choose the Best Out of All Digital Marketing Courses in Chennai?

If you are wondering how to become a digital marketer, you must join a good quality course to learn the basics and apply the knowledge in real-world scenarios. While choosing a top digital marketing course in Chennai, you must consider several crucial factors that can significantly impact your learning experience and career outcomes. Exploring options is one of the best ways and you must understand how these factors affect your career.

  • Placements
  • Alumni Details on LinkedIn
  • Live Brand Projects
  • Program Duration & Number of Hours of Live Training
  • AI Integrated Course Syllabus
  • Fees
  • Alumni Video Testimonials

Now, let’s evaluate each of the digital marketing courses in Chennai based on the above.

To keep it simple ✅means the evaluation criteria checks out for the given course; ❌ means that the evaluation criteria is not made available in the public domain by the given course.

Factor 1: Placements

Placements are a major factor affecting students and attracting them to the course. Placement provided by the institutes can or cannot be true; sometimes there are misconceptions. Based on the firsthand experience of some alumni, it is suggested that the students and fellow learners do proper research on these matters and never blindly trust what is mentioned.

You must check or ask for accountability from the institute and go with the best and right choice. Do this by either contacting the institute directly and asking for transparency/proof, or contacting alumni through the LinkedIn search page and asking them to reflect on the real scenario.

Check out placement success stories and see how India’s #1 job-linked program helps you land your dream role!

Course Name Recruiters* Placements Accountability**
Marketing Launchpad by Kraftshala Performics, PGD, Google, Nykaa, Coursera, Publicis Groupe, Bajaj, GroupM, Dentsu, and many more Placement Rate: 94%
Placement Report: Click Here
60% refund if placement <4.5 LPA
IIDE IIDE, Schbang, FCB Kinnect No verifiable placement %
SkillCircle Not Present
Digiperform Digiperform, Freelance, Concentrix, etc
MyCaptain MyCaptain, Freelance, TCS, Accenture
UpGrad Accelerator Program Not Present
Internshala Not Present No verifiable placement % 100% refund if placement <3.6 LPA
Testbook Not Present
Digital Marketing Course by FITA Academy Not Present Not Verified
Digital Marketing Course by Courseinn Academy Not Present Not Verified
Digital Marketing Course by Digital Scholar GroupM, Fiverr, Vendasta Claims 100% placement assistance but not verified
Digital Marketing Course by Web D School Not Present Claims 100% placement assistance but not verified
Digital Marketing Courses by WHY Tap Not Present Claims 100% placement assistance but not verified
Digital Marketing Course by Esearch Advisors  Not Present Not Present

*These are the companies where the course alumni are placed as per the LinkedIn Alumni Page.
**Accountability refers to the extent to which the institute takes responsibility for your placements.

A successful placement report indicates the total number of students trained vs number of students placed, industries and companies that hired from the program, the highest and average salary packages received by the students. This information helps you better foresee the relevance of the program in the job market. Additionally, high placement rates and reputable hiring companies are indicators of the industry connections the institute has, which increases the chances of being employed.

(Important Note– In case anyone missed a few details: “Placement assistance” and “Assured placement”. There’s a different meaning to Placement assistance which can be one of the things people miss and feel scammed.)

Factor 2: Alumni Details From Linkedin

Alumni are mirrors who reflect on the real image of the digital marketing institute in Chennai, behind the rosy picture that has been painted through paid and sponsored marketing efforts. As firsthand witnesses to the program, they can provide authentic insights into the curriculum, faculty, placement assistance, and overall learning experience. 

To verify, our team reached out to alumni and they shared eye-opening insights about the digital marketing courses in Chennai, which otherwise might have been overlooked by aspirants doing their research through a simple Google search. 

Become a part of India’s #1 Digital Marketing course and community. Check eligibility.

(Some wise words – Alumni will provide you with the best mentorship even if you are not joining the course; they are very supportive.) 

Follow the below steps to find alumni on LinkedIn.

  • Step 1- In the search bar of the LinkedIn home page, search for your institute name.
  • Step 2- Under description navigate to the alumni section 
  • Step 3- Open that section and connect with different alumni.

Below we have screenshots of the LinkedIn alumni-

Factor 3: Live Brand Projects

Upon asking the recruiters about their experiences, our team got to know how they prefer candidates who have experience working in real-time, be it in any form. Students with only theoretical knowledge are often less preferred. 

Hence, they recommend joining a digital marketing training institute in Chennai that provides an opportunity to work on live brand projects. These projects allow you to gain practical knowledge by contributing towards the growth of a real brand, while also managing real-time budgets on campaigns. 

Ask students currently enrolled in the course how frequently they get practical experiences, and what is the duration, opportunity, mentorship, contribution, etc. provided through the project.

Project based learning across Meta, Google, Ecommerce and Programmatic Ads with India’s leading placement linked Digital Marketing program. Check eligibility.

Course Name Live Projects Real Budget () on Live Projects?
Marketing Launchpad by Kraftshala
UpGrad Accelerator Program
Digital Marketing Course by FITA Academy
Digital Marketing Course by Courseinn Academy
Digital Marketing Course by Digital Scholar
Digital Marketing Course by Web D School
Digital Marketing Courses by WHY Tap
Digital Marketing Course by Esearch Advisors 

Factor 4: Program Duration & Live Classes

One problem that students often face is a lack of individual attention and a platform through which students can ask their doubts instantly. Recorded lectures help make a course self-paced, but it also results in procrastination and less clarity on the subject matter. 

Digital marketing courses in Chennai come with live classes for this reason. Moreover, the duration of live classes in a digital marketing course significantly impacts your learning experience and overall mastery of the subject matter. While shorter sessions may offer flexibility, longer durations can provide more in-depth coverage and allow for comprehensive discussions and practical exercises.

When evaluating courses, consider the following factors related to program duration:

  • Total hours of live training
  • Class Frequency
  • Class duration
  • Flexibility

Generally, the program duration will depend on your individual learning style, time commitments, and career goals. Carefully evaluate the course offerings and choose one that aligns with your needs and preferences.

Course Name Mode Duration Live Hours/Week
Marketing Launchpad by Kraftshala Online 16 weeks 45 hours
IIDE Online & Offline Online: 4 & 6 Months
Offline: 12 months
6 hours
SkillCircle Online 3 & 5 Months
Digiperform Online 6 months  11 hours
MyCaptain Online 20 weeks 3.4 hours
UpGrad Accelerator Program Online 7 & 9 Months 7 Months – 14 hours
9 Months – 11 hours
Internshala Online 5 Months 10 hours
Testbook Online 8 Months 6.25 hours
Digital Marketing Course by FITA Academy Offline Not Verified Not Verified
Digital Marketing Course by Courseinn Academy Online & Offline Not Verified Not Verified
Digital Marketing Course by Digital Scholar Online & Offline Online- 4 months

Offline- 6 months

Not Verified
Digital Marketing Course by Web D School Offline 4 months 4.5 Hours
Digital Marketing Courses by WHY Tap Offline 6 months Not Verified
Digital Marketing Course by Esearch Advisors Online 1 month Not Verified

Factor 5: Course Syllabus

Digital marketing courses keep new trends and growth hand in hand. The application of AI and new technologies results in reduced burden, better productivity, and increased effectiveness in achieving the desired outcome. 

So, the course for digital marketing must be updated and should follow the same curriculum as new trends, AI tools, and more. As digital marketing is always about updates and being updated first, if the course syllabus is not up to date,  it will be a major setback for the students while applying for jobs.

Here are a few things listed courses may have:

Course Name Digital Marketing AI Excel Problem Solving Behavioral CV Interview Prep
Marketing Launchpad by Kraftshala
UpGrad Accelerator Program
Digital Marketing Course by FITA Academy
Digital Marketing Course by Courseinn Academy
Digital Marketing Course by Digital Scholar
Digital Marketing Course by Web D School
Digital Marketing Courses by WHY Tap
Digital Marketing Course by Esearch Advisors 

Factor 6: Fees

Digital marketing courses fees in Chennai differ widely. While affordability is a crucial factor, it’s essential to consider other important aspects as well.

 Live projects, average cost to company (CTC), and placement rates are key indicators of a quality course.

If digital marketing course fees in Chennai is a primary concern, calculate the return on investment (ROI) based on it you can get the expected potential career growth after completing the course. A valuable course should provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to secure well-paying jobs and cover your initial investment.

Avoid courses that prioritize generating revenue for the course provider over your learning and career development. Instead, choose a course that focuses on equipping you with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the dynamic field of digital marketing.

Kraftshala gets you placed at 4.5-9LPA jobs as freshers – ROI better than any other professional course. Enroll now!

Course Name Program Fees Average CTC
Marketing Launchpad by Kraftshala ₹1,24,000 ₹5,50,000
IIDE Online 4 Months: ₹1,25,000
Online 6 Months: ₹1,80,000
Offline 12 Months: ₹6,45,000
SkillCircle 3 Months – ₹30,000
5 Months – ₹50,000
Digiperform Offline: ₹72,750
Online: ₹55,750
MyCaptain ₹69,999
UpGrad Accelerator Program 7 Months – ₹55,000
9 Months – ₹70,000
Internshala ₹37,500
Testbook ₹60,000
Digital Marketing Course by FITA Academy Not Present
Digital Marketing Course by Courseinn Academy Not Present
Digital Marketing Course by Digital Scholar ₹59,000-₹69,999 ₹4.5 LPA
Digital Marketing Course by Web D School Not Present
Digital Marketing Courses by WHY Tap ₹72,000
Digital Marketing Course by Esearch Advisors Not Present

Factor 7: Alumni Testimonials

Testimonials are proof that stands on what is mentioned in the website’s descriptions. Testimonials are provided by the alumni (students who have passed or completed the course) and they share the insights they gained during the course.

Overall, they help new learners know the different experiences and insights they can gain by joining the course. Video testimonials are more trusted and are available either on Linkedin, YouTube, or the institute’s website. This is the most efficient way to know the best digital marketing institute in Chennai.

Some students also post vlogs on their personal YouTube channels. Hence, search for the institute’s name on YouTube to find personalized video testimonials as they are more raw and unfiltered.

A few of the alumni testimonials are mentioned below:

Course Name Video Testimonials on Youtube
Marketing Launchpad by Kraftshala Playlist Link
IIDE Playlist Link
Digiperform Playlist Link
MyCaptain Playlist Link
Internshala Playlist Link
Digital Marketing Course by FITA Academy Playlist Link
Digital Marketing Course by Courseinn Academy Playlist Link
Digital Marketing Course by Digital Scholar Playlist Link
Digital Marketing Course by Web D School Playlist Link
Digital Marketing Courses by WHY Tap Playlist Link
Digital Marketing Course by Esearch Advisors Playlist Link

Final Verdict

Digital marketing classes in Chennai are in multiple numbers, but one should always deeply evaluate each one of them. Placement, alumni, and live brand projects are the most crucial factors one must consider. Other factors include low fees, intermediate program duration, and detailed latest course syllabus. You must decide wisely by weighing the factors most relevant to you. 

With the best curriculum, updated trends, affordable fees, dependable ROI, and 94% placement rate, Kraftshala is top of this list of best digital marketing institutes in Chennai. Most importantly, it stands still on the promises without making false claims and with transparent data.

If relocating is not a concern or you are comfortable with live classes, you can also look for digital marketing courses in Bangalore at affordable fees and excellent faculty.

Check out our courses

PGP in Sales and
Business Leadership
9 months | Full-Time
Marketing Launchpad
19 Weeks | Full-Time